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[Coldplay] Moving To Mars 歌詞+小ネタ

Moving To Mars

somewhere up above the stars
The wreckage of a universe floats past
somewhere up above my heart
A tiny little seed is sown
A government is overthrown
Who knows when we'll be coming home at last

and I heard it on the radio
that one day we'll be living in the stars
and I heard it on a tv show
that somewhere up above and in my heart
they'll be tearing us apart
maybe moving us to mars
we won't see the earth again
in these seconds just remain unchanged

8 to 9 9 to 10
We are meeting for the first time 
we might never meet again
You and me
We are meeting for the first time cant you see
7 6 5 4 3
We are meeting for the first time 
singing this space symphony

They'll be tearing us apart
Moving us to mars
Past the satellites and stars
Well they're moving us to mars


Mat Whitecross × Coldplay - UNO LA MELA

マットは現在、Moving to Marsという、シェフィールドのビルマ人難民のドキュメンタリーを仕上げているところだ。アルゼンチンから国外追放され、政治亡命をした両親を持つ彼にとって、その題材は身近なものである。

>> Moving to Mars: A Millon Miles from Burma – Trailer


July 8, 2011 - submitted by Nick, United States of America

Q. I was looking up the song Moving to Mars the other day, when I stumbled across a documentary called Moving to Mars, directed by none other than Mat Whitecross! I was was wondering if the song and film were related in any way. The general lyrics of the song seem to fit the film, what with it being about two families being forced out of Burma and into an entirely new world in the UK. Since Mat directed a couple of videos for Coldplay's songs, is this a kind of way to pay him back, by writing a song for/about his film?

The Oracle replies:
A couple of people have spotted this but as you were the first to ask...
Yes, the song's title was inspired by Mat's film of the same name.


前にRoadie #42 のブログで、“Jonny was in there working on his epic lead for MTM” なんて記述もありましたが、それもこの曲のことだったんですね。





それにしても、Moving to Mars とか、UFO とか、クリスが "I'd like you to build a solar system..." って頼んだのは本気だったんだね!
>> Chris has got a little project for #42